2025 EventsGiving Hearts DayGiving Hearts Day is a 24-hour event for charities in North Dakota. Each year, Giving Hearts Day provides a platform for charities to fund their missions through an ever-increasing community of donors, many of whom get to experience the joy of giving for the first time.
By supporting Designer Genes, you are helping fuel our mission and assist with resources for families across North Dakota. From the time a family finds out that their new baby will have a diagnosis of Down syndrome and through that person's life, Designer Genes of North Dakota stands to provide emotional support, lifespan information, assistance with navigating resources, education, and advocacy to make sure individuals and their families have the necessary tools needed to earn, learn, and belong. We strive to ensue our ND communities are inclusive and accepting. The only qualification to receive attention from Designer Genes is to have a connection to someone with Down syndrome - you can be a parent, sibling, teacher, policymaker, or an individual with Down syndrome. The investments from our community partners, like you, assures that our services are free and available when needed. Bikers 4 BikersThe annual Bikers 4 Bikers fundraiser is right around the corner.
The Our Place Motorcycle Club (OPMC) and Designer Genes of ND are “riding tandem” to raise funds for the iCan Bike Camp which will be held in Bismarck in the summer of 2025. We hope that we can encourage you to help us out with this amazing opportunity for individuals who want to learn how to ride a two-wheel bike without training wheels. We hope that you’ll consider being a sponsor for the 9th Annual Bikers 4 Bikers Fundraising event on Saturday, April 5th, 2025. Family fun, lunch (free will donation), games, bake sale, and a silent auction will be held at the Bismarck Elks Lodge, 900 S. Washington St., Bismarck from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. All sponsorships and funds raised through this event will go towards the cost of the bike camp and are tax-deductible. All sponsorships and donations will be advertised at the event. What do you say, want to ride with us? Volunteer Designer Genes of North Dakota works with volunteers throughout the year. We know that volunteers are an essential piece of our organization and our community events.
Current Volunteer opportunities include: - Giving Heart Support - World Down Syndrome Day - Community Outreach - Event Planning - Event Marketing Interested in learning about volunteering for events at Designer Genes, email us at [email protected] |